Monday, April 11, 2011

iPhone, oh iPhone...

oh my dear iphone, you broke my heart just like your screen cracked into a million pieces.. note to all - just because you drop your phone millions of times - it is not indestructable... it will only take one fall to crack its beautiful face forever... My one fall was last friday - it dropped out of my hand like any other day and I actually didn't even notice it craked until a few minutes after it happened... Right now it is off getting fixed at a mac store in nanaimo - so please don't call or text as I will not get back to you - which leads me into the funniest thing that happened this weekend! Me and jess were down on the island shopping for a bridesmaid dress for me, so out on our shopping adventures we stopped in to the mac store to see how much it would cost for the screen to get fixed... a ridiculous amount by the way... so we were looking at cases while the guy was doing the paperwork and jess askes "hey, can I try this case on like you try on a shirt" the guy looks at us "umm... no" so i pay and hand over my phone to get fixed and mailed back to me at some point during the week. As we are leaving I forgot to turn off my phone and remembered that "friday" was my ringtone and it would be really embarassing if someone phoned as the ringer was on high... so jess decides it would be really funny to phone it just minutes after leaving the store. After its been ringing a few times she turns to me as askes "ash? when I phone does my picture come up?" we both started gutting ourselves lauging. As it turns out we had no luck finding a dress and almost missed the ferry as I needed to have a 10 minute shop at superstore... what we did find out was that I tend to drive quite fast when needed and does not always stay in the lanes... however jesus did get us home safe!! puji tuhan!!

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