Sunday, July 10, 2011

on my heart...

Ah today has just been one of those days where I got nothing done but did so much!!  Most of my day has been spent cleaning, finishing up some projects and listening to music.

One song in particular I totally just put on repeat check it out  here -download it!!

Make us ready

Let there be oil in my lamp, let the fire not go out,
When I hear the bridegroom comes
Let there be oil in my lamp

Make us ready

So take my lamp and set it on a hill
Set it on a lampstand 
And I won't be hidden

I'll be dripping with the oils of love

The song is so simple yet spoke to me so much and sent me into a time of just seeking God.  It also confirmed to me the importance of oil - how I would love to stand in front of the bridegroom  dripping with the oils of love!  And the quickening in my heart of the need to be ready, to have my lamp burning when the bridegroom comes.

Also it challenged me - I know my lamp is nestled closely among many other lamps, pleasantly hidden.  The idea of asking Jesus to take my lamp (my ministries, gifts, and just fire for him) and set it on a hill - and it caused me to ask what does this look like in my life?  Where is my hill?  How do I get to this place to be ready?

It got me to thinking about dreams and desires - how he knows the desires of our hearts and sometimes its so scary to actually think that he wants to give us the things we want, but really they are what he wants for us!  When we are saying yes to him through our path - we are getting the oil!

What is your ultimate dream in life? God places desires in our heart for a reason! He wants us to be at the center of his will, pursuing the passions that he has placed in our heart

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