Sunday, March 4, 2012

moleskin notebook cover tutorial!

hey guys -- as most of you know I tend to like things more when they look pretty!  So I decided to make a cover for my new moleskin notebook.  I thought I'd also share the instructions on how you can cover any notebooks you have laying around and may need a makeover!

Its also really easy to change all the measurements so you are able to make a cover for any size you need!

So lets get started -- what you will need:
A notebook

1 - 9"x 6.5"piece of fusible fleece
1 - 9"x 6.5" piece of fabric
1 - 14.5" x 6.5" piece of fabric
2 - 3.5" x 6.5" pieces of fabric

hair elastic
hand sewing needle and thread
sewing machine 

Start by ironing on the fusiable fleece to the  9"x 6.5" piece of fabric.  You don't really need to do this step - but I find I really like the look of the cover with the fleece added.
Now, grab your two  3.5"x 6.5"pieces of fabric and lay them face down on your  9"x 6.5" piece of fabric.
Add your hair elastic and sandwich it between the two peices of fabric.  Remember that the part of the elastic between the fabric will be the part that you will see when you are finished.  
Sew each end with a 1/4 seam allowance.
Now press your seams flat.  This is the outside of your cover!
You can place your notebook inside to get an idea of how it will fit and see if you need to make any adjustments to your seam allowance.
Now place your  14.5"x 6.5"piece of fabric on top of your outside cover - right sides facing together.  Pin. Sew around all four sides with a 1/4 seam allowance making sure to leave a 2 inch opening allong the bottom edge to turn the cover right side out.
Turn in the edges of your opening in a 1/4 inch and press seams flat with an iron.
Now turn the flaps of your cover inward.  You can place your notebook inside to say how it will lay. 

Take your notebook out and now you will be sewing the topmost and bottomost edges of the over only.
Pin the edges.
Now topstich the top and bottom of the cover with a 1/4 seam allowance.
All you have to do now is hand sew your button just as you would like it. 
Trim all the loose threads.  
Add your notebook.
Now you have a very pretty notebook cover!

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