Wednesday, February 8, 2012

chocolate chip cookie dough truffles!

So I've been dying to try out this recipe for some weeks now, and I always left it to the last minute of needing to make something so I would just make something I knew would taste good... haha and so this recipe kept getting put off until another time.  Today was that day!

I may have just made the most delicious truffles ever! Sooo easy - sooo good!! There are going to be some lucky girls at bible study tomorrow!

For reals it's like eating balls of cookie dough covered in chocolate!  But guess what!? There is no eggs in it so if you are the kind of person who totally freaks out over salmonella and have never tasted how absolutely amazing raw cookie dough is - than this recipe is for you!

So heres the recipe...

1/2 cup of butter, softened
3/4 cup of brown sugar
1 tsp vanilla
2 cups flour
1 14oz can of sweet and condensed milk (if you are like me and would think you could find this in the milk department at the store, you can't - its in the baking isle...)
1/2 cup of chocolate chips
2 cups of chocolate melting wafers (the recipe actually called for 1 bar of chocolate candy coating - so buy this if you know what it is... I couldn't seem to find it so I just went for the wafers)

Start off with creaming the brown sugar and butter until it is light and fluffy.  Beat in the vanilla.  Gradually add flour, alternating with the sweetened condensed milk, beating well after each one.  

Stir in the chocolate chips.  Now just pop it in the fridge for about 1-2 hours.

Take your dough out of the fridge and roll it into little 1-inch balls.

So now its the chocolate part.  I am really awful at melting chocolate... Most of the times I burn it, or am rushed so it just becomes a mess.  But man - these melting wafers are fool proof!  So I started with just adding about 1/3 of a cup into a bowl and would set the microwave to 1 minute and it was perfect!

After you have you chocolate melted grab one of your dough balls and dip it into the chocolate and make sure it's covered all the way and set it aside on a sheet of wax paper and let it cool off.

and now you just have to wait for about 15 mins and you will get to taste this delicious chocolate covered cookie dough truffle!!

peace, love and pogo sticks -- ash

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