Thursday, February 23, 2012

mmm... cookie lasagna!!!

So basically I feel like everyone needs to try these at least once!! and if you really like them again and again and again!! Pretty much they are cookie dough with a layer of cookies and then topped off with brownies!! Could anything else ever sound soo delicious??

so here's what you need:

For Brownie layer:
10 tbsp butter
1 1/4 cups white sugar
3/4 cups cocoa powder
1/2 tsp salt
2 tsp vanilla extract
2 large eggs
1/2 cup flour

For Oreo layer:
1 package of Oreo cookies

For the cookie dough layer:
1 cup butter
1/2 cup brown sugar
1 1/2 cup white sugar
2 eggs 
2 1/2 tsp vanilla
2 1/2 cup flour
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp baking powder
2 cups semi-sweet chocolate chips

Now lets get started:
Brownie Layer

In a medium sauce pan, melt the butter over medium high heat.

Add the sugar and cocoa powder once the butter in melted.  Whisk to combine and remove from heat.

Add the salt, vanilla and eggs and continuously whisk until the eggs are combined.  Add the flour and continue to mix.  Set batter aside.

For the cookie dough layer:
Cream together the butter and sugars in a mixer.

Add the eggs and vanilla, making sure to scrape down the sides of the mixing bowl.

Add the flour, salt, baking soda and baking powder and mix on low until everything is incorporated.

Fold in the chocolate chips.  Set dough aside

Now its time to put it all together!
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  Line the bottom of a 9x9 baking pan with tin foil and then spray the foil with a layer of baking spray.

Layer 1/2 of the cookie dough on the bottom of a 9x9 baking pan, pressing down to form the bottom of the brownies. Reserve the remaining cookie dough to be used to make cookies later!

Layer as many oreos that will fit on top of the cookie dough.  No need to overlap.  One single layer will do

Pour the brownie batter on top of the oreo layer and make sure it's evenly layered on the top.

Bake 30-35 mins.  Test with a knife tosee if the center is done.  If the knife comes out clean, let the brownies rest before serving.  If the knife comes out with batter still on it, allow the brownies to bake about 5 mins more.

mmm... SOO good!!

enjoy -- ashleigh

Monday, February 20, 2012

joy dare : week one -- 1-21

I'm just getting started on the Joy Dare today -- check out one thousand gifts - january if you want to join or just read along!

1 -- my hair
2 -- my hands
3 -- that my eyelashes catch my sweat
4 -- seeing the daffodils and tulips sprouting up!
5 -- the hotchocolate beside me
6 -- all the goodies i'll get to have tonight at SOSM
7 -- "tickle my back!"
8 -- "yes,  you can eat that mom swept the floor today"
9 -- "do i always have to be faithful when doing dishes?" -- a kid from superchurch
10 -- the locket and cross on a chain always close to my heart
11 --  mint green painted fingernails
12 --  my beloved bic classic blue pen
13 --  a text from a friend about having thai for lunch today!
14 --  A new cowl scarf!
15 --  the sun start to come out!
16 --  candy!
17 --  the amazing leftovers from last nights dinner!
18 --  excitement to see how lent can change how I see suffering - check it out!
19 --  hugs
20 --  getting letters
21 --  when my mom makes dinner

happy trails -- ashleigh

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentines Day!

and Happy Birthday to my amazing mom!  I love you so so so much!

I would also like to take this time to share some awful valentines jokes!

What did the valentine card say to the stamp?  stick with me and we'll go places!
Why is lettuce the most loving vegetable?  because its all heart!
What did one pickle say to the other?  you mean a great dill to me!
What did one lightbulb say to the other? I love you a whole watt!
What did the boy octopus say to the girl octopus?  I wanna hold your hand, hand, hand, hand, hand, hand, hand, hand!


Monday, February 13, 2012

feeling refreshed...

A friend of mine has been telling me about this website one thousand gifts and whenever I left her house I would forget to check it out or I could never remember the name of the site!  Today I managed to actually find the site and became completly 

encouraged and

So after spending about a hour or so looking at posts and reading encouraging comments I walked away with two challenges for myself!

1 -- memorize the book of colossians in 53 weeks.  I remember when I was little I used to love memorizing verses.  My frist Bible is full of all the stickers I would get! 

2 -- the other challenge I have found for myself is the Joy Dare - who couldn't stand to have a little more joy in their life! So for each day of each month there are 3 challenges to either write about or take pictures of - by the end of the year you will have captured 1000 gifts from God.  Its almost like a treasure hunt and seeking out gifts from Him everyday!

Just three gifts a day

a joy dare to give him all the glory - and share the joy!

I'm a little behind so hopefully I'll get caught up by the end of this month or march...

wish me luck -- ashleigh

Sunday, February 12, 2012

new scarf!

I do love circle scarves! so much so that I'm pretty sure I rock one everyday!  I love that I don't have to fuss around with the ends and they just always seem to lay so perfect!

This scarf is probably one of my new favorites but man o man was it a pain to make.  First I read the pattern wrong, then I ran out of yarn, so I bought new yarn, and then I made the same mistake in the pattern, but finally after so many failed attempts, my determination pulled through - but I would be a tad bit happier had I choose a brighter color....

anyways check it out!

and here are some pictures of other circle scarfs I've made:

This one is far more coral than red in real life

this is my favorite color in the whole world haha

later taters -- ashleigh

project 365 - week six

all caught up on my pictures! enjoy! 

the sunset was crazy bright! note to self - clean the windshield asap!

just drinking some hot chocolate at work...

umm... I really reallly do love hot chocolate!

had a wonderful night at the ballet with a friend - so beautiful and still soo sad.

this is about $40 worth of candy - pretty much the most fun i've ever had shopping!

youth -- human battleship! 

Powell River Idol - there were soo many amazing performances! so awesome to see so many youth up there singing! 

but I must say this was one of my favorites 99 red balloons - and when she let her red balloon go - I was sold! 

fair thee well -- ashleigh

project 365 -- week five

I'm a little bit backlogged in pictures... but should be all caught up by the end of the day

Finally rolled my yarn into a ball after 3 failed attempts at making a scarf...

A slightly confusing - but really good word!

driving home on a foggy day

new nails!

had an amazing night listening to the songs and testimonies from the watoto children's choir

 spent the next day at a youth leadership clinic down in victoria - some really good teaching

happy trails -- ashleigh

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

chocolate chip cookie dough truffles!

So I've been dying to try out this recipe for some weeks now, and I always left it to the last minute of needing to make something so I would just make something I knew would taste good... haha and so this recipe kept getting put off until another time.  Today was that day!

I may have just made the most delicious truffles ever! Sooo easy - sooo good!! There are going to be some lucky girls at bible study tomorrow!

For reals it's like eating balls of cookie dough covered in chocolate!  But guess what!? There is no eggs in it so if you are the kind of person who totally freaks out over salmonella and have never tasted how absolutely amazing raw cookie dough is - than this recipe is for you!

So heres the recipe...

1/2 cup of butter, softened
3/4 cup of brown sugar
1 tsp vanilla
2 cups flour
1 14oz can of sweet and condensed milk (if you are like me and would think you could find this in the milk department at the store, you can't - its in the baking isle...)
1/2 cup of chocolate chips
2 cups of chocolate melting wafers (the recipe actually called for 1 bar of chocolate candy coating - so buy this if you know what it is... I couldn't seem to find it so I just went for the wafers)

Start off with creaming the brown sugar and butter until it is light and fluffy.  Beat in the vanilla.  Gradually add flour, alternating with the sweetened condensed milk, beating well after each one.  

Stir in the chocolate chips.  Now just pop it in the fridge for about 1-2 hours.

Take your dough out of the fridge and roll it into little 1-inch balls.

So now its the chocolate part.  I am really awful at melting chocolate... Most of the times I burn it, or am rushed so it just becomes a mess.  But man - these melting wafers are fool proof!  So I started with just adding about 1/3 of a cup into a bowl and would set the microwave to 1 minute and it was perfect!

After you have you chocolate melted grab one of your dough balls and dip it into the chocolate and make sure it's covered all the way and set it aside on a sheet of wax paper and let it cool off.

and now you just have to wait for about 15 mins and you will get to taste this delicious chocolate covered cookie dough truffle!!

peace, love and pogo sticks -- ash

on my heart

Tonight is going to go down as one of those days I want to remember for my whole life.  I just was able to experience such an amazing and intimate time with Jesus - it really has just left me so filled with joy and love and faith and awe of how great He is.  I want to remember this feeling of how real He is!

To the one who sits upon the throne be blessing and honor and glory and power forever! Jesus you're sign, Jesus you're the wonder! You're the miracle there is no other!

thank you Jesus that you are fun and creative and so faithful!  
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