Saturday, May 7, 2011

thrive and shine!

So apparently having a blog takes alot more effort to keep updated than I thought... Its really easy to take tons of pictures I would love to share but then they get lost between my phone and the computer... I'll have to work on this!!

Today was a pretty amazing saturday! Did some garage sailing (actually this part of the day was a little disappointing... there really were not any good sales out there for me, I did get a few little treats and did sit on one of them...)

Then me and mel were off for the women's Thrive and Shine run put on by one of our favorite families from youth.  It was our first time going to the run/walk and it was a blast.

The run/walk is a super fun fundraiser put on to raise money for the Grace House, Powell River's safe house for women and children.  This year the t-shirts for the run/walk came from India so we are also supporting a group of women who are trying to find freedom from prostitution and sex-trade.

It was a super encouraging walk - here are some pictures of the day!

We fell in love with these huge blow up flowers!!!

Its hard to see - but the trails were SOOO muddy!! 
The entire time I felt like I as going to slip and fall for sure!!

The trails were all marked with bras and underwear to show the right way - It was amazing!

We ran into some of our AMAZING youth on the way!!

Of course I had to stop and sing some Country Road with Aliya!

Bronte was looking super cute!

Holy these girlswere amazing!! 
Dropping some sweet beats like it was their job!!

Then the race was finished by getting a lay! 

I was also pretty excited when we finished because I won a door prize - some sweet under armor capris!

Also made it down to the beach for a quick visit with some old friends! Matt and Levanna your family is sooo beautiful and it was so awesome for you guys to come down for a surprise visit!

I have also been working away at a Mother's Day gift - its actually really cool so hopefully I'll put up some pictures tomorrow!!


  1. we need to find out how to get our hands on those blow up flowers!
    nice hanging out with you today..

  2. umm i only put anonymous because i didnt want to sign up or figure out how to put my name there


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