Sunday, December 1, 2013

Advent - week one - hope:)

Here is the gingerbread house I made tonight with friends - most fun ever :)

Why do I love advent so much?  I think because things get busy at Christmas and it is really easy to get caught up in so many other things.  At Christmas sometimes I'm exhausted or overwhelmed - I get disappointed or feel left out and other times things are going smoothly - i'm happy and joyful, but advent makes time for me to thank God and remember He hasn't abandoned me.

Advent is about anticipating the birth of Jesus.  It's about longing and desiring that which is yet to come - and so we wait - together.

So each december we have the opportunity to enter into a season of waiting, expecting and longing that the Spirit will meet us here.  A time to ask God to enter into our deep places, the parts that are hard or bitter, the places that have lost the hope of tomorrow.

I am desperate for Him to come

We turn our hearts to that day.  That day when Jesus cries His first cry and we celebrate that sound we have been waiting for.

The first week of advent is:
The Hope Candle

Isaiah 11:1-10

Jesse’s family is like a tree that has been cut down.
    A new little tree will grow from its stump.
    From its roots a Branch will grow and produce fruit.
The Spirit of the Lord will rest on that Branch.
    He will help him to be wise and understanding.
He will help him make wise plans and carry them out.
    He will help him know the Lord and have respect for him.
The Branch will take delight
    in respecting the Lord.
He will not judge things only by the way they look.
    He won’t make decisions based simply on what people say.
He will always do what is right
    when he judges those who are in need.
He’ll be completely fair
    when he makes decisions about poor people.
When he commands that people be punished,
    it will happen.
When he orders that evil people be put to death,
    it will take place.
He will put godliness on as if it were his belt.
    He’ll wear faithfulness around his waist.
Wolves will live with lambs.
    Leopards will lie down with goats.
Calves and lions will eat together.
    And little children will lead them around.
Cows will eat with bears.
    Their little ones will lie down together.
    And lions will eat straw like oxen.
A baby will play near a hole where cobras live.
    A young child will put his hand into a nest
    where poisonous snakes live.
None of those animals will harm or destroy anything or anyone
    on my holy mountain of Zion.
The oceans are full of water.
    In the same way, the earth will be filled
    with the knowledge of the Lord.
10 At that time the man who is called the Root from Jesse’s family line will be like a banner that brings nations together. They will come to him. And the place where he rules will be glorious.

So take a moment or two and think about what is the hope of advent - what is the hope we have because of Christ's second coming?

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