Sunday, January 29, 2012

week four - project 365

ahh finally up to date on my project 365!! 

This has been stuck in my head all day -- thought i'd share it, pretty much had it on repeat while I posted this -- enjoy!

theres no place I would rather be
than here in you love

set a fire down in my soul
that I can't contain
that I can't control
I want more of you God!

this really hit me - we cannot afford to have thoughts in our heads about us that God does not have in His!  Think about this for a minute - would your life be different if you only saw yourself the way God sees you? 

So at work I took on a large cleaning project - this was day one.  I felt like I was on cleansweep! I had so many piles set up everywhere - it was crazy.

Day two - things got a little bit more messy....

day three - man that place looks awesome!

soo soo soo frosty - but I thought it looked pretty beautiful!

my sweet new orange shoes

Has your faith become a chore - where once it was a passion?  Do you long to move deeper in authentic spirituality?  Jesus invites you to follow him!

may your arrows fly straight and your aim be true -- ashleigh

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