Sunday, January 29, 2012

week four - project 365

ahh finally up to date on my project 365!! 

This has been stuck in my head all day -- thought i'd share it, pretty much had it on repeat while I posted this -- enjoy!

theres no place I would rather be
than here in you love

set a fire down in my soul
that I can't contain
that I can't control
I want more of you God!

this really hit me - we cannot afford to have thoughts in our heads about us that God does not have in His!  Think about this for a minute - would your life be different if you only saw yourself the way God sees you? 

So at work I took on a large cleaning project - this was day one.  I felt like I was on cleansweep! I had so many piles set up everywhere - it was crazy.

Day two - things got a little bit more messy....

day three - man that place looks awesome!

soo soo soo frosty - but I thought it looked pretty beautiful!

my sweet new orange shoes

Has your faith become a chore - where once it was a passion?  Do you long to move deeper in authentic spirituality?  Jesus invites you to follow him!

may your arrows fly straight and your aim be true -- ashleigh

project 365 - week 3!

ah its a little late... but here is week three!!

A little bible reading plan I made - much more fun to tick off the days when I get to see the progress on something pretty

this made my day! soo soo true!!

what i'm reading right now

another sweet night at girls bible study

ahh breakfast at night - soo much fun!

my sweet sweet shoes - oh how I wish you stood up to the elements better....

yours till butter flies -- ashleigh

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

week two - project 365

week two!

a sneek peek into my sewing closet!

This will soon be my new circle scarf!

planning meeting...

a night for cozy socks

sweet treats at girls bible study

youth snow day

ps. hotdogs really aren't good without buns...

Saturday, January 21, 2012

my first tutorial -- mod podge shoes!

Welcome to my first tutorial! So I realized that if I want to keep doing these I am for sure going to have to learn to take better pictures! These shoes were really fun and easy to make.  The mod-podge was a little tricky in some places to get it to lay nice but i'm pretty happy with them!

I'm not sure how amazing these will stand up in real life - but I know i'm certainly wearing mine to church tomorrow! I am in love with them!

So to start off making these super cute shoes grab a pair of old flats that you aren't in love with any more or find some really inexpensive ones to have a little fun with!

What you will need:
-exacto knife
-sponge paint brush


Start with just laying the fabric over the shoe - cut it large enough to cover the entire shoe.

Next - just trim around the edges - but make sure you still have enough room to still cover the bottom of the shoe.

Now, make a slit up the back of the shoe until it almost hits the scoop.

Cover the top of your shoe with the mod-podge -- make sure its lots!

Now put the fabric on and try to stretch it so there is as little puckering as possible.

Keep adding the mod-podge and working your way down the shoe on both sides - remember to keep smoothing out your fabric so there is no puckering.

Once you have finished both sides of the shoe - leave about 1/2 of fabric

Now you are going to want to make some slits around the curve of the fabric to make it easier to tuck under the top of the shoe.

To finish the back of the shoe - paste one strip of the fabric down and with the remaining strip fold it over and add smooth it out.

Take the exacto knife to the bottom of the shoe to take care of all the extra fabric.

Now just cover your shoes with a thick layer of mod podge and you are done!!! 

I was scared they were going to feel uncomfortable - but they are awesome!

Yours till the lettuce peeks to see the salad dressing -- ashleigh

Sunday, January 8, 2012

week one - project 365

Well today is my first post of the 365 project.  I've always thought of this as a really fun project - I can hardly remember what I did last week and now I'll be able to look back over the year and see some of what has happened over the year!

happy new year!

what i'm reading this week 

a nice hot chocolate on a cold day at work

happy birthday jesus cake!

some of the magnets i've been busy making

out for a stormy day drive

so if you notice is been a looooong time since i've posted my week in pictures - yell at me!!

be well, do good deeds and keep in touch -- ash

Saturday, January 7, 2012

laugh more - you're beautiful!

today just felt like one of those stormy days where all I wanted to do was stay inside bundled up by the fire watching old movies and sipping some hot chocolate... and that is exactly what I did

well... and I am also really behind on some book reports so I did some of that too...

well... I actually made some really cute magnets while I was at it - so after a nice long day of relaxing/reading/watching/writing and crocheting - I made something really cute and easy!

they just make me smile everytime I see them!!

Early next week check back and I'll have a tutorial uploading to show you how easy they are too make! Pretty much if you have a birthday coming up this is what you'll be getting from me!

I also wanted to share this song that totally inspired me today

i see your face in every sunrise
the colors of the morning are inside of your eyes
the world awakens in the light of the day
i look up to the sky and say
you're beautiful

i see your power in the moonlit night
where planets are in motion and galaxies are bright
we are amazed in the light of the stars
it's all proclaiming who you are
you're beautiful, you're beautiful

i see you there hanging on a tree
you bled and then you died and then you rose again for me
now you are sitting on your heavenly throne
soon we will be coming home
you're beautiful, you're beautiful

when we arrive at eternity's shore
where death is just a memory and tears are no more
we'll enter in as the wedding bells ring
your bride will come together and we'll sing
you're beautiful, you're beautiful, your beautiful


after listening to this more than a few times today - it made everything inside of me just become so excited!  Jesus you are beautiful and your overwhelming love has just ruined me for anything other than you.  Your creation is beautiful!

I challenge you just to look for his love and beauty in creation - it's everywhere - he is calling you to him!


Monday, January 2, 2012

happy new years!

I really am hoping for a lot in this new year - habits to be broken and new ones to be made, to see growth in my life, more time to be creative  - to stop being like a rock and see some change in my life!

As I have been dreaming about this new year and the new exciting opportunities I would love to see happen I made a new years resolution list - the very first one in many many years!!

So here it is:
- start blogging more! I have always dreamt of doing a picture blog, so I am taking the 365 day challenge so every sunday I'll be posting a weeks worth of pictures - I've seen other bloggers do this and it looks really fun

- start dedicating one day a week to sewing or some other craft - I have soo many projects just waiting to be finished!!! This has got to happen because I have also just picked up a new amy butler book and there are soo many things I want to create!

- read the bible in a year -- if there is anyone one else who wants to do this one together I would love to be accountability partners with you and just share and listen about the awesome times spent in the word!

- get healthy! my goal this year is to lose about 40lbs - its going to be tough but I started today and thats just the first step so hopefully I can stick to it and see some awesome changes towards a healthier lifestyle

So wish me luck!  

Hope you have a blessed new year full of new challenges and awesome adventures!
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