Wednesday, May 25, 2011

this could be my most favorite thing I have ever sewn!

here are the amazing quick change pants I made for the beautiful miss alison out of the Handmade Beginnings book by my hero Anna Maria Horner!!

They were so easy to make and the most fun was picking out the fabrics to use since the different ways to put them together could be soo cute!

They are a size 3-6 months because i loved them so much I wanted her to get to wear them for a longer time.

They are reversible!! Which really makes them that much more amazing!! 

These were for sure be a staple for all baby showers and children's birthdays!!

This week really has been CRAZY!! I just got home from an amazing weekend with an amazing crew of youth away at historymaker -- so many lives touched by Jesus, so many dreams planted - really just such an exciting time!!! The theme was stand so I thought I would leave you with a song by Leeland that really touched my heart this weekend.   The bridegroom is coming!!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

A birthday dress for a special little girl!!

Here is the little jumper I made for my birthday twin - abi!!  

I wanted to make something super cute so I was looking through the one-yard wonder book and came arcross the all-ages classic jumper.  It was really fun to make and quite easy as well.  Actually it was all easy up until I needed to make the button holes... they pretty much ruined me and my sewing machine... thus I sewed them in by hand...  but it still turned out adorable!!

Hope you like it!!!

I have come back to my love of sewing!

I've recently bought two new sewing books and have had such an amazing time getting back into my love for sewing.  I am certainly a little rusty and with a new machine it has not been a very smooth transition - as almost every project has had to have a little bit of hand sewing due to the fact that I had broken the machine and been unable to finish using it...

The first book I picked up was One Yard Wonders: 101 Sewing Projects.  Its really fun to go into a fabric store and just get a yard of all the fabrics I love and know I will have something amazing and fun to make out of it when I have a gift to give or am just feeling the need to create something!!

The second book I picked up is Handmade Beginnings - by Anna Maria Horner.  The book is filled of amazingly cute projects for babies - and since babies just seem to keep popping out everywhere these days I know i'll get to do a ton of these fun projects!

I've already finished a few projects so hopefully I find my camera cord and am able to share some of the finished projects.  They are some of the cutest things I've ever made!!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

thrive and shine!

So apparently having a blog takes alot more effort to keep updated than I thought... Its really easy to take tons of pictures I would love to share but then they get lost between my phone and the computer... I'll have to work on this!!

Today was a pretty amazing saturday! Did some garage sailing (actually this part of the day was a little disappointing... there really were not any good sales out there for me, I did get a few little treats and did sit on one of them...)

Then me and mel were off for the women's Thrive and Shine run put on by one of our favorite families from youth.  It was our first time going to the run/walk and it was a blast.

The run/walk is a super fun fundraiser put on to raise money for the Grace House, Powell River's safe house for women and children.  This year the t-shirts for the run/walk came from India so we are also supporting a group of women who are trying to find freedom from prostitution and sex-trade.

It was a super encouraging walk - here are some pictures of the day!

We fell in love with these huge blow up flowers!!!

Its hard to see - but the trails were SOOO muddy!! 
The entire time I felt like I as going to slip and fall for sure!!

The trails were all marked with bras and underwear to show the right way - It was amazing!

We ran into some of our AMAZING youth on the way!!

Of course I had to stop and sing some Country Road with Aliya!

Bronte was looking super cute!

Holy these girlswere amazing!! 
Dropping some sweet beats like it was their job!!

Then the race was finished by getting a lay! 

I was also pretty excited when we finished because I won a door prize - some sweet under armor capris!

Also made it down to the beach for a quick visit with some old friends! Matt and Levanna your family is sooo beautiful and it was so awesome for you guys to come down for a surprise visit!

I have also been working away at a Mother's Day gift - its actually really cool so hopefully I'll put up some pictures tomorrow!!
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