Wednesday, February 5, 2014

He is faithful :)

well friends it finally happened - I finally hiked the trinket trail! I have pretty much been wanting to do this for years and now I can say I have done it!

The trail was pretty much like walking through a child's dream  - everything was beatiful and green and then you would see these toys and random trinkets along the trails edge like little friends coming out of the forest to say hello and wave :) Here are some pics of ones that I stopped for - hiking and taking pictures did not always work... but it did kinda remind me of the scene in yes man when they do running photography!

so many cute ponies :)

it's about this point in my hike when I pretty much just lost all desire to keep going.  I allowed something to come and just steal all my joy... and I had to continue on just unhappy and half crying... (hiking+crying=sooo embarrassing...)  At one point I just started praying Jesus you need to come and just change my attitude and I felt Him tell me that I just needed more of Him in me - and then I felt like yelling "Well how do I do that!"
So I slowly continued on... and I just kept repeating the name of Jesus - each step just saying Jesus, Jesus, Jesus and I just so desperately needed more of Him in me. So I keep going and a song pops into my head and the lyric is "You are hope and joy, love and peace and light" and those were all the things I needed! so I kept going and asking Jesus I need your hope, Jesus I need your joy, Jesus I need your love and your peace and your light.
As I am hiking Jesus starts using each of my friends to show me His character - one friend would try to make me laugh telling me stories, another giving hope in encouraging words and by the time we stopped for a rest Jesus had fully given me more of Him - His hope, joy, love, peace and light - He just changed the whole experience.  He is just so glorious!

At this moment I start getting excited for my post hike candy - usually I need something to make me excited to finish and so I leave candy in the car to give me motivation to finish strong :)

we pretty much made quick work of these jujubes!
so just to encourage you when times are rough - He is so faithful!

happy trails - Ashleigh

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