Saturday, January 4, 2014

Delightful :)

Hello Friends - today I attempted my first try at embroidery! and I loved it!  at first I thought man this is going to take forever but I actually finished it in one sitting! 

It is very cute and girly - I think it would look super cute in a little girls room :)

"delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart" Psalm 37:4

I think it's really easy when we read this verse to think - If I am good and if I make God happy then I will get everything I want - If I am not getting what I want then God must not take any delight in me or I would have everything... It's really easy to make the whole verse about us.  About me.

But really I think if we look to God and enjoy Him  and focus on Him - then He will place wonderful, beautiful, purpose-filled desires in our heart that He will fulfill!

There are so many desires I am waiting on God for but I so want my heart cry to be that I want Him more than my desires.  When I look to God alone everything else fades and I am satisfied in Him

and remember He delights in you too - Zeph. 3:17

Good thing it was bright enough out for me to transfer the patter this morning!

aren't the little hearts the cutest :)

I also spent some time organizing all my embroidery floss - almost full!

May blessings and smiles be yours 
good night

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