Thursday, January 9, 2014

Needlework a new addiction!

Hello friends - just wanted to share some more pictures of my newest embroidery creation - this one for sure has much more colour :)  This weekend I hope to get working on my first tapestry project! Since I have loads of yarn now it will be fun to play around and learn some new things.  I also have a few of my own embroidery patterns I hope to share with you soon - I am really excited about them :)

oh, itsn't it just lovely :)

Check out all the Anna Maria Horner fabric that I just added to my stash - maybe I have more than one addiction... but colours are just so beautiful to me!

I just had a night of just soaking in worship and it just put peace and joy back in me after a few days of just feeling a little sick and drained and left me feeling happy and relaxed
The Lord your God is in your midst,
    a mighty one who will save;
he will rejoice over you with gladness;
    he will quiet you by his love;
he will exult over you with loud singing.

Zephaniah 3:17

Jesus knows me and sees me - I'm the one that He wants
He rejoices in you - come and rejoice in Him
Jesus your love is so beautiful!

yours till the kitchen sinks

Monday, January 6, 2014

My new bible cover!

oh how I love to create things that have no real purpose except to make my life more colourful!  So after recently getting a new bible it was time to make a cover for it - I chose one of my favorite amy butler fabrics - so much fun!

its kinda humungous haha

don't they just look like they can be best friends!

hmm... maybe I should have tidied up the threads before taking the pictures haha...

Tonight I had a wonderful dinner with some friends and we were sharing about our lives and I was reliving some of my ywam memories and when I got home my old ywam journal caught my eye and I started reading it and wow!

haha if you know me I love colouring with crayons!

the pages were filled with a passion to know God more and to see how I was ready to change the world - to go to the nations - to just go - to share his love that was over filling me.

This is what I read in one of my entries - my faith should never be called something boring! It should be exhilarating!  It allows me to interact with the creator of EVERYTHING - so I will continue to seek out challenges and pursue a great God on a wild adventure

Now, after reading through all those entries I can remember just how much my life was forever changed - reading so many prayers that I had and seeing God answer them over the years and being reminded of the things I still need to keep praying into.  Re-reading that journal was like getting a hug from a really old friend :)

be safe, be healthy, be happy

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Delightful :)

Hello Friends - today I attempted my first try at embroidery! and I loved it!  at first I thought man this is going to take forever but I actually finished it in one sitting! 

It is very cute and girly - I think it would look super cute in a little girls room :)

"delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart" Psalm 37:4

I think it's really easy when we read this verse to think - If I am good and if I make God happy then I will get everything I want - If I am not getting what I want then God must not take any delight in me or I would have everything... It's really easy to make the whole verse about us.  About me.

But really I think if we look to God and enjoy Him  and focus on Him - then He will place wonderful, beautiful, purpose-filled desires in our heart that He will fulfill!

There are so many desires I am waiting on God for but I so want my heart cry to be that I want Him more than my desires.  When I look to God alone everything else fades and I am satisfied in Him

and remember He delights in you too - Zeph. 3:17

Good thing it was bright enough out for me to transfer the patter this morning!

aren't the little hearts the cutest :)

I also spent some time organizing all my embroidery floss - almost full!

May blessings and smiles be yours 
good night

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Christmas crafts :)

Some of my Christmas crafts this year!

The crafting season started out with button trees - I made about 25 of these pretty babies for all my amazing volunteers :)

This mason jar of goodies had last years Christmas craft of a crocheted star and a fun dish cloth - if I was at a gift exchange this year this is what I was bringing!

This pretty cozy I made for my mom this year - super simple but super cute!

My dad's gift took a bit of more effort - I transferred pictures onto wood and glued felt to the bottom so now they are coasters - I wasn't too sure if they would actually work but they have so far through the whole Christmas season!

Hope you had a fun filled Christmas surrounded by family and friends and that Jesus met you there


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