Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Loveliness of our lord

Oh! Teach us to live well! Teach us to live wisely and well! Come back, God —how long do we have to wait?— and treat your servants with kindness for a change. Surprise us with love at daybreak; then we’ll skip and dance all the day long. Make up for the bad times with some good times; we’ve seen enough evil to last a lifetime. Let your servants see what you’re best at— the ways you rule and bless your children. And let the loveliness of our Lord, our God, rest on us, confirming the work that we do. Oh, yes. Affirm the work that we do! (Psalm 90:12-17 MSG)

Your love doesn’t have to be extravagant, it just has to be real.  Enriched in understanding and honesty.
We can love because we have been loved. 
Allow what Christ has poured into your heart overflow into the lives of others.  This is how we are called to love.
With all you do. With all you say. With all you dream. With all you believe.  Big. Small. Do it with love and do it with intention.
Love Deep -- ashleigh

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

give me Jesus

I love having artwork and verses (and post-its) around me so that it reminds me to love Jesus fully and live recklessly abandoned to Him.  It has been a fun experience trying out watercolours.  


Give me Jesus

Give me Jesus
You can have all this world
Give me Jesus

Give me the One my soul delights in
Give me the One in whom my hope is securely found

We are often running everywhere for satisfaction and hope other than the never-ending grace given to us.  Stand still in it today  Think about it's beautiful, freeing, life-giving truth!

Give me Jesus!

Without Him, I can do nothing - with Him, I can do everything!

later days -- ashleigh

Saturday, May 10, 2014

sunny saturday afternoon project :)

Sooo.... today I attempted garage sailing on a scooter... haha it was pretty funny because I had my heart set on this sewing kit and bought it without really thinking of how I would take it home... luckly I was able to get it to balance in my basket and tied it down with a scarf I was wearing - and I made it all the way back home! thank you Jesus!

So of course since it was so plain and ugly I felt the need to paint it! and since it was actually plastic I did not feel so bad painting as I would have if it was actually wood.

I knew as soon as I saw this box that it actually wanted to be turquoise! so I helped it out a little :)

oh and I even recovered the velvet inside with the most lovely polka dots!

this will now be used as my crewel wool holder - I am so excited for the projects I will get to make with this!

so many wonderful colours!!!

While I was painting I was listening to some music and this song just totally made my heart happy  

Lord God come awaken love
Come stir my soul to long for all You are
I'm desperate just to have
More of Your heart
Come awaken love

'Cause I live to love You
Almighty God of love
And my desire is to know You
And give You all my heart

oh just sooo good!!

also ending the day watching the classic anne of green gables.

good night!

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

perfect peace :)

It is a wonderful thing to feel chosen!  

This is a verse that has just been on my heart for the last few days.

such a wonderful promise

I don't need to worry about the future - just keep my mind on Him!

this is the question that has been on my mind the last few days -- is Jesus merely useful to me or is He ultimately beautiful to me?

When I think of Jesus being useful to me it really comes down to what He can do for me and waiting for something bad to happen before I call on Him to make it better - our conversations and my prayer time becomes all about me - how He can move my world.

There is no relationship when Jesus is merely useful to me.

When Jesus is ultimately beautiful to me - things begin to change.  I enter into prayer and worship with my eyes fixed on Him - and a relationship is opened - He is included.  I want to know what is on His heart - what He is thinking, what He feeling.  I begin to get excited about the bible more - through being close to Him my heart changes and this is what causes change in my world.  Jesus in me.
Beautiful.  Jesus is beautiful.

God is always calling us deeper and further - it's not about us being able to do for for Him, but if we want to go deeper - if we fight for the relationship - that is when He can do more through us.  

That my faith would be made stronger in the presence of my savior

Sunday, March 16, 2014

painting in the sun :)

I woke up yesterday just needing to paint

You are soooo LOVED!!! Don't ever forget it - and if you do forget it then take a breath, pause for a minute and remind yourself that you are more loved than you an ever know by a God who is absoutely crazy about you!

That should help :)

As I was painting this I was remembering the first time I ever felt the love of Jesus.  It was during a worship service at a girl's conference and the band was playing a song and and one point the song just repeated "I am so loved" and over and over I sang that line and I felt nothing and I remember looking around and just being so frustrated that I was missing out on something I had never even experienced before - so I asked Jesus if I could feel His love for me and I remember each time I sang that line I felt a little bit more and then a little bit more.  

When I remember this moment I fully believe this time must have gone on for about 10 mins of singing "I am so loved" and at the end I was just a mess of tears and joy and this feeling of unconditional love, this love that I had never felt anything else like it before, this love that from that moment on my life has never been the same.   

may fun characterize your day,
ashleigh :)

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Mittens :)

I do so love my new mittens!  They are my first mittens I have ever knit and they were super easy!  You can check out the free pattern here.  Knitting has never been my most favorite thing to do - mostly 

I think it's because I have never truly learned how to knit in the round... so basically everything I make is either a scarf... or something I knitted flat and cheated by crocheting together :)  
I think the most annoying thing about making things in pairs is that once you finish one it is super exciting - but then you have another whole one to make... worst...

I hope you enjoy the pictures of my nubby mittens and they inspire you to make them like they had inspired me!

starting to make a dent in my large stash of needlepoint yarn!

honestly, who knew that this weird shape would turn into a mitten!!

I haven't decided if I will call them my watermelon or strawberry mittens yet... but who nicknames mittens after summer fruit anyways...

So my hair is getting crazy long!  It's at the point where if I am sitting it pretty much touches the seat.  I am beginning to question if I am one of those weird long haired people... I think I may have to go in for a trim soon....

while this photo was being taken kyle was throwing snowballs at me... thanks bud!

Loving this song right now -- 

yours till the crow flies or the flies crow :)

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

He is faithful :)

well friends it finally happened - I finally hiked the trinket trail! I have pretty much been wanting to do this for years and now I can say I have done it!

The trail was pretty much like walking through a child's dream  - everything was beatiful and green and then you would see these toys and random trinkets along the trails edge like little friends coming out of the forest to say hello and wave :) Here are some pics of ones that I stopped for - hiking and taking pictures did not always work... but it did kinda remind me of the scene in yes man when they do running photography!

so many cute ponies :)

it's about this point in my hike when I pretty much just lost all desire to keep going.  I allowed something to come and just steal all my joy... and I had to continue on just unhappy and half crying... (hiking+crying=sooo embarrassing...)  At one point I just started praying Jesus you need to come and just change my attitude and I felt Him tell me that I just needed more of Him in me - and then I felt like yelling "Well how do I do that!"
So I slowly continued on... and I just kept repeating the name of Jesus - each step just saying Jesus, Jesus, Jesus and I just so desperately needed more of Him in me. So I keep going and a song pops into my head and the lyric is "You are hope and joy, love and peace and light" and those were all the things I needed! so I kept going and asking Jesus I need your hope, Jesus I need your joy, Jesus I need your love and your peace and your light.
As I am hiking Jesus starts using each of my friends to show me His character - one friend would try to make me laugh telling me stories, another giving hope in encouraging words and by the time we stopped for a rest Jesus had fully given me more of Him - His hope, joy, love, peace and light - He just changed the whole experience.  He is just so glorious!

At this moment I start getting excited for my post hike candy - usually I need something to make me excited to finish and so I leave candy in the car to give me motivation to finish strong :)

we pretty much made quick work of these jujubes!
so just to encourage you when times are rough - He is so faithful!

happy trails - Ashleigh

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Needlework a new addiction!

Hello friends - just wanted to share some more pictures of my newest embroidery creation - this one for sure has much more colour :)  This weekend I hope to get working on my first tapestry project! Since I have loads of yarn now it will be fun to play around and learn some new things.  I also have a few of my own embroidery patterns I hope to share with you soon - I am really excited about them :)

oh, itsn't it just lovely :)

Check out all the Anna Maria Horner fabric that I just added to my stash - maybe I have more than one addiction... but colours are just so beautiful to me!

I just had a night of just soaking in worship and it just put peace and joy back in me after a few days of just feeling a little sick and drained and left me feeling happy and relaxed
The Lord your God is in your midst,
    a mighty one who will save;
he will rejoice over you with gladness;
    he will quiet you by his love;
he will exult over you with loud singing.

Zephaniah 3:17

Jesus knows me and sees me - I'm the one that He wants
He rejoices in you - come and rejoice in Him
Jesus your love is so beautiful!

yours till the kitchen sinks

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