Thursday, March 29, 2012

car seat organizer

I love when things are organized, and I love when things look pretty - so when I couldn't find any organizers that I liked I thought I might as well make my own! and this is what turned out - I love it!

this is everything i wanted to fit in it...

some sweet fabric

my empty organizer

and now my nicely filled organizer where I have a place for everything!

have a delightful day -- ashleigh

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

joy dare : #43 - 42

43 - drawing from a little friend of mine tucked away in my locket
44 - time
45 - a beloved mango smoothie with a friend
46 - a friend finally guessing my draw something picture... sometimes i am an awful drawer
47 - a lady I work with finally seeing the big picture - in the midst of a bad day - smiling!
48 - an elderly couple walking hand in hand for a morning walk
49 - "Count me in Im amazed this loves for me Lord"
50 - that Kony needs to be stopped - those children deserve to be safe
51 - feelig God's love for me
52 - "The Lord your God is in your midst, a mighty one who will save; he will rejoice over you with gladness; he will quiet you by his love; he will exult over you with loud singing" Zep 3:17
53 - "Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart" Ps. 37:4
54 - "The Lord will fight for you, you only need to be still" Ex. 14:14
55 - the delightful cupcakes topped with green icing my mom made for dessert!
56 - coastal weather is never dull - snow, sun, rain, snow sun
57- tonight i'm going on a treasure hunt with God - praying already!
58 - the dew on the top of newly flowered daffodils 
59 - the fudge drizzled on my popcorn snack
60 - the fading reminder of God's love on my hand
61 - the snow that fell down today
62 - after spending the weekend sharing a room with four girls it made me miss slumber parties and just the funny things girls do at night!
63 - my new phone case...

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

i'm going on a treasure hunt...

As some of you know - i'm currently doing the bethel school of supernatural studies through correspondence here in Powell River.  This school is totally challenging me is every aspect in my relationship with Jesus and it has been just so awesome.  

About a week ago in our class we did something that certainly took me out of my comfort zone - we went of a treasure hunt.  I had done this before in ywam, but its one thing to walk up to people in another country and say "This may seem a little weird, but we're on a treasure hunt and we think you are on the list" but to do this here in my small town where I am bound to know the person definitely was stretching me.

So how treasure hunting works is you pray and ask for words of knowledge regarding the location, their name, appearance, what they might need prayer for and anything unusual. You write down all your words and then you head out.

So we broke up into small groups, prayed, and then went out into the town - and Jesus came and something cool happened!

So in my group we each had a word - the two other people brought us to out location and all I heard was something blue.  So we walked into the restaurant (which happened to be unusually extremely busy) and started looking for the words we had each received and I kid you not everyone seemed to be dressed in such dark colors of grey and black and in the back corner was the treasure - dressed head to toe in blue.  

We walked over and Jesus clearly knew we were going to show up because three empty chairs were already pulled up to the table - so we asked if we could sit down and began talking to our new friends.  Our blue lady began telling us how she had called her friend up and asked her out to pray for her daughter and how they were both planning to be somewhere else that night but felt they just needed to meet together to pray.  We asked if we could pray for her as as well and just let her know she was God's treasure and the desires of her heart to see her daughter healed were His as well - and continued to encourage her and remind her how important she is to her Father God.  The night was awesome!

I was soo fearful heading into this night - but being obedient, and trusting God was so freeing!  

and that testimony alone would have been awesome enough to tell of how creative and loving God is but he had more in plan for that meeting - there was some more love he wanted to share.

Last night I found out that the table beside us was listening and one of the ladies heart was so touched by God she went to her place of work the next day and began telling this story of a group of people that went out into the town on a treasure hunt.  She was so intrigued by what she had saw and heard that she decided she needed to hear more about this God.  So she grabbed three of her friends and went out to the healing rooms that day after lunch.  On that visit she gave her life to the Lord and all four of them left with Bibles!! How cool is God!!

Honestly the idea of treasure hunting was soo scary for me - I was so afraid to give my word our of fear that it would be wrong that I almost was just going to keep it to myself.  I am so thankful that I spoke up and listened to God and got to be a part of his amazing plans!

So go out and try something out of your comfort zone and be encouraged!!

let me leave you with my new favorite song at the moment as a thank you for reading this long post!
This is what you do -- Matt Stinton

try not to catch the cold like me -- ashleigh

Thursday, March 8, 2012

joy dare : week 2 #22 - 42

22 -- this morning I woke up and it was soo bright out - turned over and saw it was only 7... too bad this was the morning I could sleep in...
23 -- pic coming
24 -- pic coming
25 -- crocheting
26 -- watching an elderly couple taking a early morning walk hand in hand
27 -- my friends while watching survivor
28 -- sour keys
29 -- amazing new smoothies at mcdonalds
30 -- nice tall mug of hotchocolate
31 -- daffodils
32 -- ketchup and mustard bible
33 -- highlighted scripture
34 -- old glow in the dark stickers on my ceiling
35 -- softest violet sheets ever
36 -- orange juice! but still wishing it was hot chocolate...
37 -- my sister listening to loud music
38 -- cars driving by
39 -- hail
40 -- he called me lovely
41 -- the cross
42 -- through testimonies

Sunday, March 4, 2012

moleskin notebook cover tutorial!

hey guys -- as most of you know I tend to like things more when they look pretty!  So I decided to make a cover for my new moleskin notebook.  I thought I'd also share the instructions on how you can cover any notebooks you have laying around and may need a makeover!

Its also really easy to change all the measurements so you are able to make a cover for any size you need!

So lets get started -- what you will need:
A notebook

1 - 9"x 6.5"piece of fusible fleece
1 - 9"x 6.5" piece of fabric
1 - 14.5" x 6.5" piece of fabric
2 - 3.5" x 6.5" pieces of fabric

hair elastic
hand sewing needle and thread
sewing machine 

Start by ironing on the fusiable fleece to the  9"x 6.5" piece of fabric.  You don't really need to do this step - but I find I really like the look of the cover with the fleece added.
Now, grab your two  3.5"x 6.5"pieces of fabric and lay them face down on your  9"x 6.5" piece of fabric.
Add your hair elastic and sandwich it between the two peices of fabric.  Remember that the part of the elastic between the fabric will be the part that you will see when you are finished.  
Sew each end with a 1/4 seam allowance.
Now press your seams flat.  This is the outside of your cover!
You can place your notebook inside to get an idea of how it will fit and see if you need to make any adjustments to your seam allowance.
Now place your  14.5"x 6.5"piece of fabric on top of your outside cover - right sides facing together.  Pin. Sew around all four sides with a 1/4 seam allowance making sure to leave a 2 inch opening allong the bottom edge to turn the cover right side out.
Turn in the edges of your opening in a 1/4 inch and press seams flat with an iron.
Now turn the flaps of your cover inward.  You can place your notebook inside to say how it will lay. 

Take your notebook out and now you will be sewing the topmost and bottomost edges of the over only.
Pin the edges.
Now topstich the top and bottom of the cover with a 1/4 seam allowance.
All you have to do now is hand sew your button just as you would like it. 
Trim all the loose threads.  
Add your notebook.
Now you have a very pretty notebook cover!
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