Thursday, July 28, 2011

on my heart...

Take a few minutes and just soak this in -- you are BEAUTIFUL!!

A friend posted this the other day and i have come back to it and watched it about twice each day for the last 3 days.   It has totally encouraged me - He called me beautiful!!  

Do you think I’m
Does anybody think I’m
I do.
I do proclaims the voice that spoke the skies
And He says let me dry your eyes
I have heard your cries,
I only wish you had heard mine.
Galaxies and shooting stars
I set spinning so you would know the beating of my heart
I painted rainbows and roses so that you would know that you are a work of art.
I gave you strong winds and rushing rivers,
So would know you are my strong Sons of Thunder
I gave you the sunrise and moonlight
To let you know how precious you are in My sight.
I sent my Son to live and die and rise for you
So that you would know
I love you
And I think you are

I have been struggling with a few things this past month or so and the subject of beauty and struggling with self worth and just feeling completely undone by the question -- am I beautiful?
all I could think of was that beauty was tied to love - and love was for the pretty and beautiful and since i had neither what was I worth? 
So i challenged Jesus - the word says you are ravished by the sight of one glance from my eyes - so i looked up to him and asked what am I worth to you - and truth came back into my life.
I saw the Jesus on the cross and he said you are beautiful!
-He loves me - He who knows me more than anyone else said I was worth it - says I am His and I am precious!!! Take in this truth!!
It is so easy to get lost in the world's way of thinking.  To get disconnected to the point where you look at life through the prospective of the world but jesus just says YOU SHALL LOVE ME - forget what the world says YOU SHALL LOVE ME!

His Son’s scars was the call
And this is His children’s response
With hands in the air
With voices together that drown out the enemies lies
I am
I am
I am
Washed in the blood of the lamb
Washed away the soot and sin so you and I can
Clearly see that
I am A new creation
A new sensation
I am a floodgate of heaven,
Made to reveal heart of God to the heart of Man
Showing brothers and sisters what they are so they can
Join in our war cry shouting
--mike young

So if you are struggling with this - let the truth soak in! let it change you - shout out "i am beautiful" and let jesus make it so real to you.  Ask him to tell you all the things he loves about you - how he made you perfect.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

on my heart...

Ah today has just been one of those days where I got nothing done but did so much!!  Most of my day has been spent cleaning, finishing up some projects and listening to music.

One song in particular I totally just put on repeat check it out  here -download it!!

Make us ready

Let there be oil in my lamp, let the fire not go out,
When I hear the bridegroom comes
Let there be oil in my lamp

Make us ready

So take my lamp and set it on a hill
Set it on a lampstand 
And I won't be hidden

I'll be dripping with the oils of love

The song is so simple yet spoke to me so much and sent me into a time of just seeking God.  It also confirmed to me the importance of oil - how I would love to stand in front of the bridegroom  dripping with the oils of love!  And the quickening in my heart of the need to be ready, to have my lamp burning when the bridegroom comes.

Also it challenged me - I know my lamp is nestled closely among many other lamps, pleasantly hidden.  The idea of asking Jesus to take my lamp (my ministries, gifts, and just fire for him) and set it on a hill - and it caused me to ask what does this look like in my life?  Where is my hill?  How do I get to this place to be ready?

It got me to thinking about dreams and desires - how he knows the desires of our hearts and sometimes its so scary to actually think that he wants to give us the things we want, but really they are what he wants for us!  When we are saying yes to him through our path - we are getting the oil!

What is your ultimate dream in life? God places desires in our heart for a reason! He wants us to be at the center of his will, pursuing the passions that he has placed in our heart

Jessica's Bridal Shower!! (i forgot to post this on June 1st like I had planned)

My amazingly beautiful and fun friends Jessica and Derek are getting married soo soon!!

I was so excited to be asked to be a bridesmaid and just share this super exciting day with them!! But before the wedding comes the bridal shower!! and man o man was I sick of tissue paper after this!!

The pom-poms were actually really quite fun and quick to make and I suggest them to anyone who is looking for a quick and inexpensive way to make some decorations!! Check out this tutorial from Martha Stewart -- just click here - mine to not look  quite as beautiful as hers... but still I think they were so pretty.

Check out the some pictures!

 I think there was over 20 tissue pom-poms made!!
 There was also a little station set up to leave some words of wisdom to Jess for married life!  

 I just really liked this little corner!
 Jessica's mom made a surprise trip to Powell River for the shower!! Made the night!!
 Praying into Jessica and Derek's life and for many blessings to follow them!
 The amazing chocolate fountain!!
and the night ended with a huge bowed bra!!
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