Saturday, May 10, 2014

sunny saturday afternoon project :)

Sooo.... today I attempted garage sailing on a scooter... haha it was pretty funny because I had my heart set on this sewing kit and bought it without really thinking of how I would take it home... luckly I was able to get it to balance in my basket and tied it down with a scarf I was wearing - and I made it all the way back home! thank you Jesus!

So of course since it was so plain and ugly I felt the need to paint it! and since it was actually plastic I did not feel so bad painting as I would have if it was actually wood.

I knew as soon as I saw this box that it actually wanted to be turquoise! so I helped it out a little :)

oh and I even recovered the velvet inside with the most lovely polka dots!

this will now be used as my crewel wool holder - I am so excited for the projects I will get to make with this!

so many wonderful colours!!!

While I was painting I was listening to some music and this song just totally made my heart happy  

Lord God come awaken love
Come stir my soul to long for all You are
I'm desperate just to have
More of Your heart
Come awaken love

'Cause I live to love You
Almighty God of love
And my desire is to know You
And give You all my heart

oh just sooo good!!

also ending the day watching the classic anne of green gables.

good night!
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